Thank you for visiting Kodiak Reentry, Inc. Please take a few minutes to provide input and feedback to our board of directors, staff, and volunteers on the services we provide as well as ideas for future services and supports. Community input is valuable and appreciated!
Who We Serve...
Reentry begins when an offender enters the Department of Corrections. Reentry is a shared responsibility of offenders, their families, community agencies, and the state. A seamless continuum of services should be in place for each offender leaving the institution to reduce future criminal behavior. Reentry programs are designed to help returning citizens successfully “reenter” society following their incarceration, thereby reducing recidivism, improving public safety, and saving money. Read more...
Kodiak Reentry, Inc. (KRI) prohibits the denial of services to individuals on the basis of race or ethnicity, language, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, social class, economic status, education, marital status, religious affiliation, political affiliation, immigration/residency status, HIV status, other disabilities, or any other discriminating factor. If KRI determines that an individual does not qualify for services, referrals to appropriate services will be provided to that individual by KRI Staff.